Acknowledgments 🏆
CH-UI is built on the shoulders of giants. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the creators and maintainers of the following open-source projects that make our work possible.
ClickHouse ⭐
ClickHouse - THE ONE AND ONLY! We wouldn't be here without ClickHouse! 🙏
A Personal Note
I would like to personally thank the ClickHouse team for creating such an amazing database system and for providing excellent documentation. The power, speed, and flexibility of ClickHouse have been truly inspiring, and it has been a joy to work with such a well-designed system.
This project has been an incredible learning experience for me. It has allowed me to dive deep into the intricacies of database management and user interface design, pushing me to grow from being a Data Engineer to maybe a Developer :) . The journey of creating CH-UI has been both challenging and rewarding, and I'm immensely proud of what it has become (and what it can be with the community support and contribution).
I am very grateful for having the opportunity to make a personal project that can be useful to a wide range of users. Whether you're a curious individual just starting to explore ClickHouse, a data analyst looking for a more intuitive way to interact with your data, or a company seeking efficient data management solutions, I hope CH-UI serves you well.
Core Technologies 🛠️
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- TypeScript - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript
- Vite - Next Generation Frontend Tooling
State Management 📊
- Zustand - A small, fast and scalable bearbones state-management solution
UI Components and Styling 🎨
- Radix UI - An open-source UI component library
- Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework
- Lucide React - Beautiful & consistent icons
- class-variance-authority - Manage UI variants with less code
- clsx - A tiny utility for constructing className strings conditionally
- tailwind-merge - Merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts
- tailwindcss-animate - A Tailwind CSS plugin for creating animations
Database Interaction 💾
- @clickhouse/client-web - Official ClickHouse JavaScript client
Routing 🛣️
- React Router - Declarative routing for React
Data Visualization and Tables 📈
- Recharts - A composable charting library built on React components
- ECharts - A powerful charting and visualization library
- AG Grid - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting React
- @tanstack/react-table - Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids
Form Handling 📝
- React Hook Form - Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation
- Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
UI Enhancements ✨
- Framer Motion - A production-ready motion library for React
- cmdk - Fast, composable, unstyled command menu for React
- Sonner - An opinionated toast component for React
- Vaul - Drawer component for React
Code Editing 👨💻
- Monaco Editor - The code editor that powers VS Code
- @monaco-editor/react - Monaco Editor for React
- sql-formatter - A JavaScript library for pretty-printing SQL queries
Utility Libraries 🔧
- next-themes - Perfect dark mode in 2 lines of code
- Papa Parse - Powerful CSV parser for JavaScript
- date-fns - Modern JavaScript date utility library
Development Tools 🛠️
- ESLint - A tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript
- PostCSS - A tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript
- Autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules
Special Thanks 💝
We're also grateful for the countless blog posts, tutorials, and Stack Overflow answers that have helped shape this project. A special thank you to the ClickHouse community for their excellent documentation and support.
If we've inadvertently missed anyone, please let us know, and we'll gladly include them.